Senior Assassin Killed

There has been a death in the school, one Woodstockers will never recover from: one so severe the likes of students across the globe will be shocked. Not really, but the advanced assassin game is over. The longstanding tradition of Senior Assassin has been removed by the Dean of Students following a police report filed by a citizen in the town.
According to Mrs Leland, she received a report from the Woodstock Police Department following a high speed chase within town as a result of the Senior Assassin game. “ What was reported to me was students were driving through the town of Woodstock erratically hanging out of their cars with the super soaker guns and trying to shoot each other while driving according to Woodstock PD,” Ms. Leland stated.
Senior Assassin has already been on thin ice throughout its short 2 week duration with Mr Smail sending out an email stating that students need to cease participating at the school. Referring to the email, Ms. Leland noted, “ I don't think they responded at all, to be honest; I really didn’t feel a change in the behavior of students and that's why I started collecting various water guns.”
“It's not safe, it's not following the rules set in place. In the past, it's an event that has only lasted a week. This is the only time it has lasted multiple weeks, with this group," Leland said.
Additionally an anonymous source within the administration stated, “ With the current state of the world, it just isn't appropriate.”
Next year’s senior class has expressed concern over the possibility of the game being discontinued. “It will be up to (new Assistant Principal) Cody Tancreti and Mr.Smail,” Ms. Leland stated.
Student opinion on the matter is quite different. Seniors are displeased with the school's lack of understanding towards the incident. Senior Anae Tracy stated, “ I’m annoyed because it's something I know a lot of people including me were looking forward to during senior year, and it was cut short.”
While seniors understand the reasoning behind the game being shut down, there is obviously some frustration with the inability to continue playing Senior Assassin. “ It is definitely frustrating, I was enjoying the whole craziness until it got shut down,” said Senior Zoe Wood.
It is likely that the Woodstock Police Department will not be following up with the event due to the school's action, however this is only assumed as no word has been heard from the town. Future students should yield the advice that staying off campus while playing Senior Assassin is in their best interest if they don’t want the game to be canceled.