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Coronavirus Care Package #5

Sam Powers

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday the Buzz will be posting a Coronavirus Care Package. Our goal is to give you things to distract from the daily deluge of bad news and confusion. Think of these posts as a daily respite from COVID-19.

CS50x Puzzle Day 2020

The greatest day of the year is upon us. A day filled with yelling at friends, angrily scrawling on paper, and, of course, feeling intellectual shame. CS50x Puzzle Day is an annual competition of logic-puzzle-solving hosted by Harvard University that is extremely addictive. I consider myself a PuzzleHead as I have participated in Puzzle Day in some capacity every year for 5 years and I can tell you from experience there is no better feeling than completing a college-level, brain-scrambling, riddle. You can play alone or form an elite team of puzzle masters and submit your answers to CS50 to see how you did. Please join me in the yearly genuflection to the Puzzle Gods that is CS50x Puzzle Day.

Here’s a list of some opinions I have developed over my short lifetime:

  • All microwaves should be quieter.

  • Teachers should reserve the right to ask students to write recommendation letters.

  • A great metal band name would be “Doll Mausoleum”.

  • We should all operate on the assumption that no one wants to see the pictures we have on our phones unless they have specifically asked to see them.

  • Runway models should be of average or slightly above average beauty. When we see runway models, we aren’t really focusing on the clothing they are wearing; we are focusing on them. Beautiful people look beautiful in almost everything, because we don’t care about what they are wearing, we care about what’s underneath. To make the runway fashion-focused, we shouldn’t have gorgeous people wearing the clothes.

  • We should have the option to watch a book. I know movies exist, but they cut out a lot of the book. Give me the option to watch a book in its entirety.

  • Nipple enlargement surgery should be an option for those of us with small nipples.

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