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Environmental Exasperation

Sam Powers

At the end of the “Advocating for Climate Crisis” workshop, we were asked to write a letter. This was mine.

At the end of the “Advocating for Climate Crisis” workshop, we were asked to write a letter. This was mine.

The image above describes exactly how I felt by the end of the “Advocating for Climate Crisis” workshop during the Global Climate Strike. I felt hopeless and angry.

The generations before me caused the greatest existential threat to humanity (and I’m not talking about nuclear weapons, though they also did that). They filled the atmosphere with Carbon dioxide without any regard for how their actions might affect future generations. Now, we are stuck with the biggest problem in human history for which we bear almost no responsibility.

I’m not sure what to do when our generation has the least political leverage. I’m not sure how we can meet the ambitious (and necessary) goals set by the Paris Climate Accord, when our elected leaders are still arguing the existence of Climate Change. I don’t know if I should feel optimistic knowing that our generation is taking to the streets to advocate for humanity's continued existence or if I should feel disheartened, because very few substantial actions have been taken to mitigate the Global Climate Crisis.

I have decided to feel neither dejected nor hopeful. I am angry. I am angry that we have been put in the position to advocate for the health of the planet at such a young age. I am furious that I have to think pragmatically about my future; I find myself wondering if I will even have children knowing that the world in which they will grow up is in a downward spiral toward uninhabitability for the human race. I have been robbed of my ability to dream, because my future has already been decided by the generations before me.

To quote Greta Thunberg, who screamed through tears of anger on the floor of the UN in front of the world, channeling the rage of an entire generation: “You all come to us young people for hope. How dare you. You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And, yet, I am one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth. How dare you.”

Some days, I find myself seething, writhing with anger knowing that nothing is being done, and while anger is almost never a constructive element, in this one case it is necessary. This anger is productive. Do not think that anger cannot be a healthy emotion, because anger is an outlet that, much like joy, can be shared. It can spread. It is contagious. It is a tool. It is our tool. Anger is a necessary evil we will use to unite our generation around a common cause: to save humanity.

We are the new generation. We will vote. We will lead the Climate Crusade, because we have no other option.

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